Import Orders By Tracking Number or Shipped Date
Currently we import all ShipStation Shipped status orders into GP. This can cause problems when an order is on-hold for more than 7 days or an order is reshipped due to delivery failure.
To avoid problems can you add an option to import based on each unique tracking number or by the age of the shipped date, rather than order date?
This should automatically import old reshipped orders into GP when a new shipping label is purchased, as well as old orders that have been on-hold for a long time and only recently shipped.
We have updated the API imports so that orders are imported based on the “Last Modified” timestamp.
Now when the Shipped status is enabled any newly shipped orders will have a recently update timestamp which will ensure they are included in the next import.
Each subsequent import should import only those orders modified since the most recent import.
Alex Gierczyk commented
A colleague referred me to this related article:
Another way to put this request would be to automate the above recommended manual actions.